Network carrying capacity

Declaration under This Section 4(4) of The Telecommunication (Broadcasting and Cable) Services Interconnection (Addressable Systems)

Customers will have to pay for “Pay Channels” and “Network Capacity Fee” (NCF) as follows:

  1. NETWORK CAPACITY FEE (NCF) per month payable by a Subscriber for 200 (two hundred) SD channels is Rs. 130/- (Rupees one hundred and thirty). For more than 200 channels, the maximum NCF will be Rs. 160/- (Rupees one hundred and sixty). GST is payable by the subscriber as applicable.
  2. The Television channels notified by the Central Government shall be mandatorily available to all the subscribers and shall be in addition to the number of channels available in the network capacity fee.
  3. Network Capacity Fee, per month for each additional TV connection, beyond the first TV connection in a multi TV home shall be forty percent of the Network Capacity Fee of the Parent STB. The STB with the maximum number of channels would be treated as Parent STB.
  4. In accordance with the Regulations 1 HD Channel is equivalent to 2 SD Channels. Please Note that as and when we increase the number of HD channels on the network the channel carrying capacity of the SD channels will decrease.
  • Target Market
  • Total Channel carrying capacity
  • Channel line-up